Mixed Reviews of the Cory Everson Manual Treadmill

Have you wanted to buy a treadmill but your space and budget are limited? Maybe you should check out a Cory Everson manual treadmill. It is a budget-friendly alternative to the much costlier motorized treadmills, and it will fold up to fit under your bed when not in use. You'll be able to use it whenever you have a few spare minutes to exercise, and it runs so quietly that you'll even be able to take advantage of time when others are sleeping to exercise without waking them up.

The Cory Everson manual treadmill has received mixed reviews. Some users have raved about how convenient it is and how smoothly it operates. If you're looking for something you can run on, this probably isn't the model for you, but if you want the cardiovascular benefits of a good walk in order to lose weight, burn fat, and improve the function of your heart, lungs, and circulation, this treadmill will give you the opportunities you're looking for.

The actual walking surface on the Cory Everson manual treadmill is 42" x 13", and it holds a maximum weight of 220 pounds. If you're a smaller person with limited space for exercise equipment, this will be perfect for you. Unfortunately, it is not a solution for larger individuals. If you stand with your feet spaced far enough apart for normal walking and the span is greater than 12", then this machine probably isn't going to work for you. In this case, you'll want to look for a larger machine.

People have had some problems with the electronic readout component of the Cory Everson manual treadmill, and others have felt that it is poorly made. On the other hand, some reviewers say that it has worked perfectly for them and recommend that other people purchase the item. Probably the best way to know if this will be the ideal treadmill for you is to try it out for yourself. Go to a store, and give one a test walk. Talk to the salesperson about how well the machine has been performing for the store's customers. Decide for yourself if the construction is sturdy enough for you. After all, your own opinion is the one that counts most, because you're the one who is going to be using the treadmill!

For more top treadmill ratings visit http://www.toptreadmillratings.com Why not have your pet join you with their very own dog treadmill.