Treadmill Doctor - Can You Trust Their Reviews?

The Treadmill Doctor is a famous online website that reviews the different treadmills out there in order to help you decide which to buy. Many people have used this site to help them find the right machine to fit their needs.

The site initially began in nineteen ninety eight. In addition to having all the information about virtually every machine out there, you can also ask them questions regarding certain models and receive a response without paying a dime. You can make a donation if you want to.

The company is always known as one of the top treadmill review sites around. Whether it be online or offline, they are among the best.

The best part about the Treadmill Doctor is that they aren't associated with any particular company. Therefore there will not be any built in bias in the reviews, as you find with many other sites.

You see, you have to be careful where you read your reviews from nowadays. Often times the reviewer is secretly affiliated with the company they are reviewing, and they don't want you to know that. This won't be the case with the Treadmill Doctor.

The people who write for the Treadmill Doctor make sure they get out there and test out the treadmill firsthand, rather than relying on other sources for their information. They are experts in the industry, having tested out tons of different models, so you can rely on their word.

In addition to reviewing machines, they also sell great additional features for treadmills, such as belts, motors, decks, and many other items

Over 3,000,000 people have bought from them to date, and this certainly tells you something about their level of trust in the fitness community.

Obviously, getting a treadmill is an excellent choice for your health, but believe it or not, which you decide on really does make a difference. Not all treadmills are the same, and there are really some major differences between them you have to be aware of.

A lot of people simply go for the lowest priced treadmill. However, often times these are the lowest quality machines, and will end up costing you so much in replacement parts that you will end up spending more than you would have or a quality machine. This won't happen to you when you read the Treadmill Doctor reviews before buying.

For part 2 of the Treadmill Doctor, check out now. Also, discover the shocking truth about the famous Proform Treadmills, as well as revealing info on many more models.