Tone Your Body With the Rowing Machine

Could you slim down and tone your body in just 7 days? Now you can with the rowing machine.

Before you begin, you should know that in this rowing program, we aim to burn at least 300 calories while firming up every muscle from your shoulder to your calves. Do not worry if you have not worked on the rowing machine as it is pretty simple to get started.

Here is what you need to do

Set your rowing machine to show the watts and speed screen. With the straps on your feet, hold on to the handle with your palms facing the floor. During your workout, you have to adjust your speed so as to meet the rate of perceived exertion as indicated below. Remember to take a minute break during your routine.

Your rate of perceived exertion is indicated by how you find and feel about the routine at a particular point in time. It is a way to gauge your intensity level during a cardio workout. Like most cardio workouts, you should aim to work at about 60%-75% of your maximum heart rate.

For this workout, you should make it moderately easy to moderately hard for yourself. This means that at times, you will be able to conduct a conversation with little effort but at times you will find that it requires a lot of effort on your part to converse.

For the first 5 minutes, aim to row at a speed of 20 spm at an easy pace. Once you have warmed up, you should aim to increase your speed by 2 spm every 2 minutes until you find it hard for you to talk to anyone.

Once you hit your top speed, return to your post warm up speed and repeat the routine. That should take you about 14-15 minutes when you can then rest and have a water break.

Return after a minute and start at moderate pace before building in up again like before. You should complete your workout at the 25 minute where you should take 5 minutes to cool down. For that, row at a speed between 16-20 spm.

For a total of 30 minutes, your rowing exercise routine allows you to burn nearly 300 calories and after a week, you should find your arms, legs and core toned and firmer. Don't wait. Get started with your rowing machine workout now!

Want to know what are some of the best home fitness workouts out there? Check out our Home Fitness blog to discover how you can rev up your exercise workout without putting yourself through ineffective exercise routines or equipment.