Key Safety Points You Must Know

When it comes to getting in shape elliptical workouts are pretty hard to surpass. Though the ever-present treadmill continues to hold the front position among cardio fitness equipment, the elliptical trainer is solidly in second place.

Elliptical trainers have found wide support since their introduction in the mid-1990s. The low-impact workout and rhythmic motion of elliptical trainers is very appealing to those who are unable to endure the pounding treadmills place on their bodies. Not to mention the monotonous nature of running on a treadmill.

Most people who utilize health clubs and fitness centers are aware to some degree of the dangers associated with using the equipment in these facilities. At one time or another most gym members have witnessed someone stumbling on a treadmill or having a mishap while using free weights. Though somewhat less common, accidents involving elliptical trainers are very real occurrences and anyone who engages in elliptical workouts must be aware of what they are and how to prevent them.

Here are 5 key safety points for keeping your elliptical workouts both safe and enjoyable:

1. Getting on and off -- this is where most accidents occur when using an elliptical trainer. The primary hazard is the free-moving foot pedals and arm handles. Like a bicycle, the foot pedals and arm handles are not locked into place even when the elliptical is not in use. It's pretty easy to get thrown off balance when putting your full weight onto a foot pedal and then suddenly experience both pedals lunge forward.

Always grab hold of the stationary handles while both of your feet are firmly in contact with the floor before swinging yourself onto the elliptical trainer. Conversely, make sure that the elliptical has come to a complete stop and your hands are firmly grasping the stationary handles prior to dismounting the elliptical. And never, ever, grab hold of the moveable arm handles while mounting or dismounting, as they are also free-moving.

2. Proper posture -- though learning how to operate an elliptical trainer is relatively simple compared to other fitness equipment, it is still important to maintain correct form. Don't hunch over and do strive to maintain vertical alignment from your feet up through you spine to the top of your head. Also be sure to keep a slight flex in your knees to reduce strain on both your knees and your lower back.

3. Keep your feet in contact with the foot pedals at all times -- this seems pretty obvious, but all it takes is for a foot to come off a foot pedal for even a brief instant to have a pretty serious mishap on an elliptical trainer. If you start to experience numbness in your toes, either rock your feet from heel to toe while maintaining partial contact with the foot pedals or in extreme cases, stop the elliptical and dismount to walk off the numbness.

4. Be careful navigating between elliptical trainers -- at health clubs where floor space is at a premium, elliptical trainers are often placed together much too closely. Therefore, be very careful when approaching and leaving an elliptical trainer when adjacent elliptical machines are in use. You don't want to come into contact with moving equipment or fellow gym members. If fitness equipment is spaced too closely together, don't be afraid to mention this to the health club management, as it's their responsibility to assure that their facility is maintained in a safe manner.

5. Watch your heart rate and breathing -- if you should feel uncomfortable or unduly stressed at any point during your elliptical workouts, stop immediately and remain stationary on the elliptical while holding firmly to the stationary handles. If you should feel faint, try to get off the machine as quickly as possible and sit down on the floor to prevent injury should you black out. If you don't feel better after a short break, then get the attention of the health club staff immediately. It is better to be safe rather than sorry in these situations!

By following these 5 key safety points for your elliptical workouts, you will be in a much safer position when using an elliptical trainer. Most of them are just common sense, but it's when we get complacent and forget the obvious, that we leave ourselves open to accidents. You might find it helpful to go over a mental checklist each time you're ready to step onto an elliptical trainer and never take your safety while exercising for granted.

Rich Rojas covers the fitness equipment industry and elliptical trainers in particular. Check out his no-nonsense Elliptical Reviews and articles on health and fitness at