Elliptical Trainers Versus Treadmills

Elliptical trainers and treadmills are two pieces of exercise equipment that have been finding themselves popular as part of the modern day home gym. Although they look radically different, both machines give the exerciser a great cardio-vascular work-out.

A treadmill can give virtually anyone a decent workout. Motorised treadmills can usually be set to a number of speeds, so exercising can be as simple as a stroll, up to a full blown sprint. It is safe to say that an exercise novice can use a treadmill fruitfully from day 1. If you can walk, you can exercise on a treadmill. With an elliptical, a little more practice to get in rhythm may be required. Also, at times, I have found some ellipticals uncomfortable to use due to the foot pedal positioning and stride length.

Interestingly, when exercising using an elliptical trainer, it is possible to exercise in both a forward and backward manner. This exercises more areas of your body than moving simply in the forward motion as you would on a treadmill. An elliptical will generally give you a fuller workout than a treadmill which focuses more on the lower body. This is by the nature of the elliptical's handlebars being an integral part of the exercise routine. The backward/forward motion of the elliptical's give your arms a real good workout too.

It could be argued that a treadmill can give a more varied workout, as it can run at different speeds and inclines. That said, the modern day elliptical can also run at differing inclines and you can also move backwards and forwards.

A huge positive for the elliptical machine over a treadmill is that impact on the joints is greatly reduced. When using an elliptical trainer, you are not physically hitting the running board as you would be working out on a treadmill. This is due to the fact that the mechanics of the elliptical machine mean you are exercising without physically removing your feet from the pedals, in a similar manner as cycling. Many of the more expensive treadmills have built in cushioned running decks to help reduce the shock you feel in your knee joint. If you suffer from problems with your knees or hips, I'd certainly rule out a treadmill.

When it boils down to it, whether or not an elliptical trainer or treadmill is the best piece of exercise equipment is down to personal preference. I'd suggest giving both pieces of exercise equipment a trial at the local gym before purchasing, then you will know which piece of equipment you feel most comfortable with.

Ian Walsh is the author at Elliptical Machines and Treadmill Reviews, discussing the latest in home fitness equipment.